17. 网上学习
V1 from liujingruc
答 网上学的那些人以前没在课堂学过/weaken则是在课堂学过
考古:by babee2queen
V1 专家发现在心理学授课中, 网络课堂的学生学到的东西比传统授课的多. 说明网络课堂在心理学教育领域比较有用, 问evaluate. 我选的是要看是否网络学生的motivation比传统授课的学生强.
V2有一题是说研究发现远程教育的同学比传统方式教育的同学收获更多 问假设
选被调查的人中不是原本受远程教育的那些人就有更强的自觉性 比较确定......
这条我被问到的是评估. 我选的是看远程教育的人是不是更motivated
18. 一道颇残念的题……先不起名了……
V1 from 纹舞千瞳
19. 点点测小婴儿
V1 from 洛洛洛洛
20. 为利益,要杂交
V1 from gege22
21. 电影节选片
V1 from rednight88
Background information: This year, each film submitted to the Barbizon Film Festival was submitted in one of ten categories. For each
category, there was a panel that decided which submitted films to accept.
Fact 1: Within each category, the rate of acceptance for domestic films was the same as that for foreign films.
Fact 2: The overall rate of acceptance of domestic films was significantly higher than that of foreign films.
In light of the background information, which of the following, if true, can account for fact 1 and fact 2 both being true of the submissions to this year’s Barbizon Film Festival?
1. In each category, the selection panel was composed of filmmakers, and some selection panels included no foreign filmmakers.
2. Significantly more domestic films than foreign films were submitted to the festival.
3. In each of the past three years, the overall acceptance rate was higher for foreign than for domestic films, an outcome that had upset some domestic filmmakers.
4. The number of films to be selected in each category was predetermined, but in no category was it required that the acceptance rate of foreign films should equal that of domestic films.
5. Most foreign films, unlike most domestic films, were submitted in categories with high prestige, but with correspondingly low rates of acceptance.英语作文