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时间:2011-09-20来源:网络资源栏目:Essay作者:网络整理 英语作文收藏:收藏本文
作文地带导读:Good. This chapter will tell you precisely what the SAT II Chemistry test will test you on, how the test breaks down, and what format the questions will take. Take this information to heart and base your study plan around it.
作文地带导读:Good. This chapter will tell you precisely what the SAT II Chemistry test will test you on, how the test breaks down, and what format the questions will take. Take this information to heart and base your study plan around it. There’s no us

  The best way to do well on the SAT II Chemistry test is to be really good at chemistry. For that, there is no substitute. But the chemistry geek who spends the night before taking the SAT II cramming all of the nuances of crystal-field theory and coordination compounds probably won’t fare any better on the test than the average student who reviews this book carefully. Why? Because the SAT II Chemistry test doesn’t cover crystal-field theory and coordination compounds.   Happy? Good. This chapter will tell you precisely what the SAT II Chemistry test will test you on, how the test breaks down, and what format the questions will take. Take this information to heart and base your study plan around it. There’s no use spending hours on end studying topics you won’t be tested on.

