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时间:2011-09-02来源:作文地带整理栏目:Essay作者:未知 英语作文收藏:收藏本文

  14. which one of the following best expresses the main idea of the passage?


  the early music movement has yet to resolve a number of troubling questions regarding its approach to the performance of music.

  the early music movement, while largely successful in its approach to the performance of medieval and baroque music, has yet to justify its use of obsolete instruments in the performance of music by beethoven and mozart.


  the early music approach to performance often assumes that composers write music that is perfectly tailored to the limitations of the instruments on which it will be performed during their lifetimes.


  although advocates of early music know much about the instruments used to perform music at the time it was composed, they lack information regarding how the style of such performances has changed since such music was written.


  the early music movement has not yet fully exploited the knowledge that it has gained from playing music on instruments available at the time such music was composed.


  15. in the second paragraph, the author discusses beethoven’s first piano concerto primarily in order to

  属于举例作用题,这类以in order to结尾的题,正确选项往往是以illustrate,或者give an example开头的,但近年来难度有所增加,大多数选项都以这两者开头了。

  illustrate how piano music began to change in response to the extended range of pianos that became available during beethoven’s lifetime.

  illustrate how beethoven’s work failed to anticipate the changes in the design of instruments that were about to be made during his lifetime.

  suggest that early music advocates commonly perform music using scores that do not reflect revisions made to the music years after it was originally composed.

  illustrate how composers like beethoven sometimes composed music that called for notes that could not be played on instruments that were currently available.

  provide an example of a piano composition that is especially amenable to being played on piano available at the time the music was composed.

  16. the author suggests that the final movements of symphonies by mozart and beethoven might be played more slowly by today’s orchestras if which one of the following were to occur?


  orchestras were to use instruments no more advanced in design than those used by orchestras at the time mozart and beethoven composed their symphonies.


  audiences were to return to the custom of applauding at the end of each movement of a symphony.

  audiences were to reserve their most enthusiastic applause for the most brilliantly played finales.


  conductors were to return to the practice of playing the chords on an orchestral piano to keep the orchestra together.英语作文
