2010.10.22—11.6 GMAT语法机经 共64题
51、还有一道是考provide for understang ....选项里面我记得是e.说的是 demonstrating ...., for ... and for ...我选了这个,前面那个ing伴随状语,然后是provide for sth 平行。应该对的这道。(by yry19881103)
52、有一个not only but also 的平行,有but it also 选项,个人觉得不选这个,因为后面没有画线的有its,指代会出问题,但是还是大家仔细看看吧(by mimi8810)
53、题目看起来都不难,但是选项都相当绕,我估计我就载在语法上了。(by effie1986)
有考such that的
还有intent on 用法的
54、记得shrink on 还是shrink in 还是 shrink as的(by zard5566)
55、单数of复数that + 复数或单数
单数主词 as well as +单数动词(by zard5566)
56另外就是语法,就像一个前两天一个牛人狗狗里说的,没有什么事绝对错的,主要看语境,例如我记得XDF总说being错,我今天就选了个being(当然我也不保证我对,但那题我实在认为应该有be动词)(by officevista)
57、A NUMBER OF / THE NUMBER OF(by pass06)
58、so that/ so(by pass06)
59、modifier (by pass06)
60、1. GWD21-Q1:(by clmshadow)
According to analysts, an alliance between three major personal computer companies and most of the nation’s largest local telephone companies would enable customers to receive internet data over regular telephone lines with speeds much higher than is currently possible.
A. with speeds much higher than is
B. with speeds that are much higher than are
C. at much higher speeds as are
D. at much higher speeds than that
E. at speeds much higher than are