56 Case Western Reserve University凯斯西储大学
56 Loyola Marymount University
56 University of Cincinnati辛辛那提大学
56 University of San Diego圣迭戈大学
60 Georgia State University乔治亚州立大学
60 University of Houston休斯顿大学
60 University of Miami迈阿密大学
60 The University of Tennessee田纳西大学--Knoxville
64 Baylor University贝勒大学 (Umphrey)
64 Lewis & Clark College (Northwestern)
64 University of Kentucky肯塔基大学
67 Brooklyn Law School
67 The University of Kansas堪萨斯大学
67 University of New Mexico新墨西哥大学o
67 University of Pittsburgh匹兹堡大学
67 Villanova University
72 Pennsylvania State University (Dickinson)
72 Seton Hall University
72 St.John's University圣约翰大学
72 Temple University天普大学 (Beasley)
72 University of Hawaii--Manoa (Richardson)
72 The University of Oklahoma俄克拉荷马大学
78 Loyola University Chicago芝加哥洛约拉大学
78 University of Nevada--Las Vegas (Boyd)
80 Illinois Institute of Technology伊利诺理工大学 (Chicago-Kent)
80 Louisiana State University, Baton Rouge路易斯安那州立大学 (Hebert)
80 Rutgers, the State University of New Jersey--Camden
80 Rutgers, the State University of New Jersey--Newark
80 University of Denver丹佛大学 (Sturm)
80 University of Oregon俄勒冈大学
86 Hofstra University
86 Indiana University--Indianapolis
86 Northeastern University美国东北大学
86 Seattle University
86 Syracuse University雪城大学
86 University of Arkansas阿肯色大学--Fayetteville
86 University of Richmond (Williams)
93 Chapman University
93 Santa Clara University
93 University of Missouri Columbia密苏里大学哥伦比亚分校
93 University of Nebraska Lincoln内布拉斯加大学林肯分校
93 West Virginia University西弗吉尼亚大学
98 The Catholic University of America美国天主教大学 (Columbus)
98 DePaul University
98 University of San Francisco旧金山大学
98 University of the Pacific太平洋大学 (McGeorge)
98 William Mitchell College of Law澳际编辑