类别:英语作文 发行日期:2008-10-17 16:00:00
Times SupermarketTimes Supermarket There is a supermarket called Times Supermarket near my school. It’s a big supermarket. There are three floors. On the first floor, there is some food for cooking, such as pork, beef, chicken, fruit and...
类别:英语作文 发行日期:2008-10-16 16:00:00
高考英语作文常用修辞手法 文章最忌语言枯燥无味,一篇好的作文,语言应该生动形象。而恰当地运用修辞手法,可以使文字新鲜活泼、具体逼真,大大增强艺术表现力,扩大语言表达的范围;而且还可以激发读者的想象,给人留下深刻的印象。下面介绍一些英语作文中...
类别:英语作文 发行日期:2008-10-16 16:00:00
Helen Keller 由 Helen Keller Helen Keller lived in the USA. She was a GREat woman. Helen was blind and deaf. She couldn’t see anything or hear anything. Her parents are very sad. A teacher helped Helen study words. Helen studied them very...
类别:英语作文 发行日期:2008-10-16 16:00:00
Salt Is Important 由Salt Is Important Can we live without salt? No, salt is very important to us. We need salt in out food. Animals need it, too. Most of the salt in our country comes from the sea. When the sun dries up the water, people c...
类别:英语作文 发行日期:2008-10-15 16:00:00
Being A Brave PetrelBeing A Brave Petrel In about sixty days, we will have the high school entrance examination. It’s very important to us. We’re busy with our lessons every day. To tell you the truth, I sometimes feel I can hardly breat...
类别:英语作文 发行日期:2008-10-15 16:00:00
My Daily Routine 由 My Daily Routine I have the same routine from Monday to Friday. I usually get up at five fifty. Then I have breakfast. At six thirty, I go to school. I don’t ride a bike. I go to school on foot. I have five lessons in...
类别:英语作文 发行日期:2008-10-14 16:00:00
The Snoring Tree The Snoring Tree My friends, this story is made up by me. Do you like it? Can you make one up?” Once upon a time there was a tree that snored. It was so loud that the whole world could hear it, even aliens from Mars! Ever...
类别:英语作文 发行日期:2008-10-14 16:00:00
The Best Report BackThe Best Report Back I’m a third-year student now. All is very important to me. My parents spent much money sending me to Dongzhou Middle School---the best middle school in Haimen. They hope I will be an excellent girl...
类别:英语作文 发行日期:2008-10-13 16:00:00
Ten Minutes Break Between Classes-课间十分钟 下课了,同学们就像脱了缰绳的马一样欢腾起来。你看,他们有的离开座位打闹着,伴随着一阵阵尖叫声和欢笑声;有的并没离开座位,他们在充分利用时间做小游戏。瞧,他们一会儿争得不可开交,一会又一团和气;有...
类别:英语作文 发行日期:2008-10-13 16:00:00
I Hope...-我希望... 每次我放学回家,都会看见几个小孩坐在马路旁边乞讨。我不知道他们的父母是谁。他们多么狠心呀!他们差不多跟我一样大,也是上学的年龄了,但是他们不能。似乎没有人关心他们。我多么希望他们的父母能带他们回家...