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时间:2010-02-04来源:英语作文网栏目:高中英语作文作者:英语作文 英语作文收藏:收藏本文
此文为尊敬老人父母的英语作文,另下面为大家提供一篇:赡养老人应该由谁负责的英语作文,本文版权不归作文地带所有,旨在为大家提供更多的有翻译的英语作文信息。 尊敬父母英语作文范文: Filial is dotes on, the filial piety is the blessing, is filial piety is

Filial is dotes on, the filial piety is the blessing, is filial piety is helps the parents under the hasty housework to go to the kitchen. In the melon the pear peach buys to the parents tastes fresh, subscribes the share evening news often to read for the parents. Is filial piety the parents, is filial piety the parents, when likes treating as to children's gift. A parents' heart, gathers round the children to transfer, is filial piety the parents to let the old person remember the children to satisfy. liuxuepaper.com

Filial is dotes on, the filial piety is the blessing, is filial pietyis accompanies the parents discusses the daily family activity to takea walk. Catches up with the long vacation, the multi- belts parentstravel, the week week often lives with the parents.

Is filial pietythe parents, is filial piety the parents, when likes treating as tochildren's gift. Parents this for a lifetime, ate many painstakingly,was filial piety the parents to let the old person old age Heng theHenry peaceful life.

Who Should Be Responsible for Our Old People?
    As the result of birth control and improvement of medical care, supporting the old has become an issue of China today.
    Because of the different culture and traditio, supporting the old is different from country to country. For instance, British is a developed country and the problem of supporting the old is solved very well these years. The government takes a series of measures to solve the problem and also pays a lot of money for the old every year in order to make them live better.
    In China, because of its tradition, the old people are mostly supported by their children. But our government and our society are taking measures to support the old.
    As the development of economy and society is so rapid that we believe the system of our country to support the old would be perfect one day.

