liuxuepaper'S Note:本文写了作者们去艾滋病医院当志愿者为艾滋病患者提供服务的过程以及回来后的感想。
The Day We Went to a Hospital to See an AIDS Sufferer
Last Sunday all of our class with our class together with our head teacher went to a hospital to see an AIDS sufferer. We brought a bound of flowers and a basket of fruit m send to the patient. The female patient was very glad to see us. She told us that most of the people avoided seeing her since she was told that she carried the HIV virus. The doctor told us that the HIV virus wouldn't be infected through daily communication. People in China are often ignorant of the disease and look down upon those who suffer from AIDS. It is wrong. From liuxuepaper.com.
During our stay there, we talked with the woman bout her family and our school life. Some students sent her books and their favorite CDs. She was greatly touched and said in tears that she would be optimistic and confident of overcming the disease. Our teacher hugged her good bye and promised we would come to see her often.
On our way back to school, I was thinking that if everyone of us loves each other more and gives a hand when others are in trouble, the world will become more beautiful.