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寻找妈妈(Looking for Mum)

时间:2011-08-31来源:liuxuepaper.COM栏目:作者:liuxuepaper 英语作文收藏:收藏本文
寻找妈妈(Looking for Mum)
a day Li Ming caught a little bird. He tied it with a piece of thread and played with it happily. At that time, he saw a little girl crying by the roadside. A policeman saw her, came over and asked her why she was crying and where her house is.

  When he learned that girl had got lost and she was then looking for her mother, he decided to lead the girl to be back home. Seeing this Li Ming thought the little bird also had its mother and he should set the little bird free so that it could be with its mother again. Then Li Ming untied the thread and returned the little bird to the blue sky.

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