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我受的教育(My Education)

时间:2011-05-12来源:liuxuepaper栏目:作者:liuxuepaper.com 英语作文收藏:收藏本文
我受的教育(My Education)
I started primary school when I was six years old. My primary school was very close to my home. School started at eight in the morning and finished at half past four in the afternoon. There was a lunch break①from twelve o'clock to two o'clock and I used to go home for lunch. Some other children did the same as me. We used to play table tennis together in the playground before afternoon classes started. When I was at primary school, I learned reading, writing and simple maths.

  When I was twelve, I sat the entrance examination②to junior secondary school. I felt worried before I heard the results. I was very pleased when I heard that I had passed successfully. When I was at junior secondary school, I learned Chinese, maths, history, geography and English. My favourite subject was history. The history teacher was very kind and used to tell us interesting stories.When I was fifteen, I sat the entrance examination for senior secondary school. While I was waiting for the result, I again felt very worried. When I passed this examination, I was given my first bicycle. I had to cycle③five kilometres to school every morning. After I went to senior secondary school, I worked very hard. For example, I did three hours homework every evening. However, senior secondary school was not only hard work. At the weekends, I was able to have time off to play football and table tennis.

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