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阅览室里得到的教训(A Lesson Learned in the Reading-room)

时间:2011-01-19来源:liuxuepaper.COM栏目:作者:liuxuepaper.com 英语作文收藏:收藏本文
阅览室里得到的教训(A Lesson Learned in the Reading-room)
There are not enough seats in the reading-room in our school. Just because of this, I had a very special experience that I shall never forget.

  One day, I was annoyed ① by the hot weather. After drinking a bottle of water, I ran fast towards the reading-room.When I pushed the door open, I saw what I expected. There was no empty seat. I looked very carefully at every corner, hoping to find one, but it seemed hopeless. Suddenly I caught sight of an empty seat with a book on it. I knew it must have been “occupied②”by someone, but I was eager to sit down to have a rest after running. So I put the book on the other side of the table, and sat down.

  About 10 minutes later, I heard a very low voice behind me. “Excuse me, sister. I'm afraid that this seat is mine.”“What? It's yours? How can you say that?” The little girl seemed a little nervous. “I remember I put my book on this desk before lunch,”she said. “Please don't draw a conclusion so quickly before you have enough evidence ③! ”I said in a loud voice. It made nearly everyone in the room turn their heads towards me. I felt a little embarrassed.Just then, a student next to me said,“To tell the truth, this seat is really the little girl's. I think you should give it to her.” My face turned red at once. I can't describe how I felt at that moment, and I don't remember how I went out of the room with my books before so many eyes.

  This happened 4 years ago. Since then I have often asked myself if I have done anything without considering other people's rights.

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