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行车在美国(Driving in American)

时间:2010-11-26来源:作文地带栏目:作者:作文地带整理 英语作文收藏:收藏本文
行车在美国(Driving in American)
Always be careful to never miss your exit. If you miss your exit, do not stop and never back up on the highway. Get off the highway at the next exit and look for signs showing you how to rejoin the road in the other direction.


  Freeways have emergency call boxes at regular distances from where you can report an emergency or a breakdown. All freeways have right-most lane demarcated as the break-down lane. Stop your car in that lane. Never drive in that lane.


  In case your car breaks down on a freeway, if you have a mobile phone call 911. You can also open the bonnet of the car and wait for someone with cell phone to report your emergency. This is common and if you have a cell phone and see such a site, you too should call 911 and report it. You can also carry a large sign that says, “Call Police—Send help “ in case of a breakdown.

  车抛锚了,如果有移动电话,你可拨打911;你也可以打开车盖,等有手机的人来打电话报告事故,这很常见,而且如果你有手机,看到这种情况时也应打911 报告,你也可以随车携带写有“打电话叫警察来帮忙”的大牌子,以防车子出问题。

  Alcohol can only be tansported in the boot of the car, because it is illegal to carry it in the car cabin. It goes without saying that you can not drink alcohol while driving. Traffic laws are set by states and regions, but in general the interstate speed limit around the country ranges from 55 to 65 miles per hour. The speed limit in cities is usually set between 25 and 30 miles per hour. Speeding is a serious offence resulting in high fines.


  You should always carry with you your local license along with IDP when driving in a foreign country.


  If you live in region where it snows, do keep the snow shovels to be kept in cars, along with a torch( preferably with a blinker built in), a blanket, spare gloves, etc. These come handy if the car breaks down during cold nights on highways or if one needs to change the flat tire.


  You should , at least once, change the tire of your car during day time as a practice drill. This will help you in gaining some confidence and you don’t find it difficult when you actually are stuck in such a situation.


  If you have met with an accident, don’t panic. Relax. The worst is over. Take the license, insurance details of persons involved, and witnesses. Call the police and don’t leave that spot till a cop arrives. Keep your insurance details ( your insurance number and phone of the company you are insured with) in the car.


  AAA(called triple –A) is a very active organization for the road safety and trip planning. They provide lots of other facilities too. Being a member of AAA is a good option especially for new comers who are very comfortable getting around.


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