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开卷未必有益(It May Not Be Helpful)

时间:2010-10-27来源:作文地带整理栏目:作者:liuxuepaper.com 英语作文收藏:收藏本文
开卷未必有益(It May Not Be Helpful)
We are taught that it’s helpful to read books. But is it really helpful to read all books? Many books are not suitable for children, neither are they for adults. Some books should be prohibited. There are many books sold in markets which are fullof descriptions of violence and decadence. I don’t think they are beneficial to us teenagers. So it’s not definitely helpful to open all books. We should read some books that are recommended by teachers or parents. They know which are good for us. Furthermore, we should fight against those bad books that are harmful to our spirits.

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