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做决定(Making Decision)

时间:2010-08-09来源:liuxuepaper栏目:作者:liuxuepaper 英语作文收藏:收藏本文
做决定(Making Decision)
Growing up means making my own decisions. When I was a little, my parents made all the tough decisions for me. But while I am getting older and older, I felt that I can make decisions for myself! It occurred to me that I have got to face all the difficulties on my own. Otherwise, I can't succeed in the future.

  The hardest decision that I have ever made was keeping a diary every day. At first I usually got lose of it, but I found a lot of pleasure in keeping a diary eventually. Every night I sit at my desk and rethink the happened during the day's events before I go to bed. After I write my feelings down, I can always be in a comfortable mood. I have so many experiences in my diary. Keeping diary is not only a good habit, the diary itself is also a good friend of mine. I'll keep one for the rest of my life.

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