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作文地带-有翻译的英语作文网 数十人的翻译团队,提供有原创翻译的英语作文,作文地带是您英语学习的好帮手!英语作文网


时间:2010-08-06来源:英语作文网栏目:高中英语作文作者:作文地带 英语作文收藏:收藏本文
作文题目:假设你是一家互联网培训公司的员工,公司同时提供在线博客服务,现在公司需要对潜在客户进行电子邮件营销,你试就此情景撰写此邮件的相关内容。作文地带提醒:要写好这篇作文,不仅需要扎实的英语功底,还要熟悉互联网的相关知识才行。 【优秀范文示例】 Today is the last day to become a



Today is the last day to become a blogger

Hi kenwu,

If you haven't taken advantage of this yet, you
have until midnight EST tonight to sign up to Become
A Blogger for only $1. After tonight, Yaro and Gideon
will close the door on their six month course.

After the doors close, you won't be able to get in
for at least another six months. And apparently, the
price may have increased by then as well. The price
has already increased once, so why miss out again and
pay more later?

Yaro and Gideon are the real deal. You can prove it to
yourself by doing a simple Google Search of their course,
and you'll see what other people are saying. To me, a course
like this is a no-brainer because you really can't lose,
especially when you can test it out for $1.00.

Sign up today, pay $1, spend the next week exploring the
program and if you decide it's not for you, just cancel
and you won't pay any more. If you like the program and
want to complete the training, do nothing and you will be
billed the regular $47 monthly fee for six months to complete
the course. There's also a 60 day money back guarantee.

But you have less than 20 hours to take advantage of this so
go sign up now before it's gone.

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