往年的春节常态,热热闹闹、走亲串户、朋友相聚,全国人民都沉浸在辞旧迎新、阖家团圆的喜悦里。但今年的春节,因为新型冠状病毒感染导致的肺炎疫情"来势汹汹",揪动着我们每一个人的心,朋友见面、微 信聊天、朋友圈分享,几乎三句不离最新疫情的进展,讨论的背后是人们对疫情的关注,也是对自身、家人健康的担忧。面对这场突如其来的疫情,我们唯有万众一心,众志成城,在"动"与"静""舍"与"得"中,坚决打赢这场没有硝烟的疫情阻击战。
In previous years, the Spring Festival was a normal time. People all over the country were immersed in the joy of saying goodbye to the old, welcoming the new and reuniting their families. But this year's novel coronavirus infection caused by the new coronavirus infection "threatening", pulling every one of us heart, friends meet, WeChat chat, friends circle to share almost three sentences are not the latest progress of the epidemic, behind the discussion is the concern of the epidemic, but also for their own, family health concerns. In the face of this sudden epidemic, we have only one heart and one mind. In the "moving" and "quiet", "giving up" and "gaining", we are determined to win the fight against the epidemic without smoke of gunpowder.
This Spring Festival, our "move" is to "go against" and fight against the front line to support the people's well-being. Build the second "Xiaotangshan" model hospital, the medical team of the people's Liberation Army gathered in Wuhan, a number of local medical institutions support team rushed to Wuhan, the medical staff of Southern Hospital of Southern Medical University wrote "letter of invitation" and the medical staff were infected At the forefront of the fight against the epidemic, the "Warriors" on the medical front have moved. They are the "chasers" in the Spring Festival. For the sake of more people's life safety, they live a "moving" year in such a way. In front of them, they fight directly with the virus. With practical actions, they vividly interpret the respect for life, rescue the dead and help the wounded, be willing to contribute and love the boundless Spirit, when the country and the people need it most, regardless of personal safety, "retrograde" to the most dangerous line, take on the guard. Let's pay tribute to these ordinary heroes and the "rebel" in front of the epidemic.www.liuxuepaper.com
今年春节,我们的"静"是"宅"于家中,积极响应,不增添任何负担。众所周知,传染病防控三原则是控制传染源、切断传播途径、保护易感人群。人们越是大规模流动,越是大范围聚集,越容易增加疾病传染的概率,我们必须以"静"应对才能更好地"切断传播途径"。取消庙会、取消电影放映、封闭旅游景区、关闭娱乐场所、禁止聚会聚餐等,全国各地纷纷出台措施,取消或减少人员聚集的活动。作为个人,此时我们一定要积极响应,不远行、不扎堆、少聚会,"宅"于家中以信息拜年、视频祝福、在线聚会、电 话、短信等非接触方式拜年传达我们的祝福,以你我的安全距离为彼此送上健康祝福,以你我的实际行动护佑早日战胜疫情。
This Spring Festival, our "quiet" is "home" at home, positive response, do not add any burden. As we all know, the three principles of prevention and control of infectious diseases are to control the source of infection, cut off the route of transmission and protect the susceptible population. The more large-scale flow of people, the more large-scale aggregation, the more likely to increase the probability of disease transmission, we must deal with "static" in order to better "cut off the transmission path". In order to cancel temple fairs, cancel film screening, close tourist attractions, close entertainment places and prohibit parties and dinners, measures have been taken all over the country to cancel or reduce personnel gathering activities. As an individual, at this time, we must respond positively, do not travel far, do not pile up, and have fewer gatherings. At home, "Zhai" conveys our blessings in non-contact ways such as information, video, online party, telephone, SMS, etc., send health blessings to each other with your and my safe distance, and protect our actual actions to defeat the epidemic as soon as possible.
This Spring Festival, our "shed" is to "keep" the post, keep the land and do our duty, dedication and perseverance warm people's hearts. On the one hand, it is the Spring Festival holiday for family reunion, and on the other hand, it is a sudden outbreak of "threatening" epidemic. This Spring Festival, countless people stick to their posts, fight against the epidemic, and build a great wall of steel to fight against the epidemic. The traffic police medical staff at each temporary inspection point of the main traffic road, "retrograde" medical team, Party members and cadres who give up their holidays and go door-to-door to carry out epidemic propaganda and investigation, people's children and soldiers who go to the front line of epidemic prevention, journalists who deliver information and relevant personnel who deliver rescue materials For their responsibilities, they have no regrets. Between "everyone" and "small family", they chose to take care of "everyone" and fight on the front line of epidemic prevention and control. It's the pride of the times, the pride of the country and the pride of the nation. We should also pay tribute to their families. Their families can't be reunited this Spring Festival. Such "sacrifice" is worth remembering.
This Spring Festival, our "gain" is the "heart" of all the people, unity of purpose, the nature of the epidemic in front of it. A sudden epidemic broke the festival atmosphere that should have been full of peace and joy, "virus infection", "closure" and "new cases". The changes of this epidemic affect the hearts of millions of people every moment. The more difficult and dangerous it is, the more it can reflect the "heart" of our Chinese people, the more it can show the cohesion of our Chinese nation. The bright red handprint on the letter of invitation, the firm vow to obey the dispatch at any time, all departments around the world to spare no effort to help Wuhan, mask manufacturers to start the "all-weather production" mode during the Spring Festival, and the free refund and reform policy for flight railways This is a time for all walks of life to join their hearts and hand in hand, to fight against the new coronavirus together, and also a time for the whole people to fight, "one side has difficulties, eight sides support", to defeat the disease and the epidemic. Each of us is the main body and has the obligation to believe that we can win the hard battle of epidemic prevention and control.
The fight against the epidemic is a hard battle. We must do what we can, rationally recognize, seriously protect, and walk with the "soldiers" in front. If we share our destiny and heart, there will be no difficulties we can't overcome!
