When novel coronavirus novel coronavirus came into being in 2020, it was wildly ravaged by an unfamiliar seafood market in Wuhan. As of January 28, 2020, 2984 new coronavirus pneumonia cases were identified in China, and 82 cases died. Novel coronavirus is bound together in a common cause. We believe that every new person will be attacked by the new coronavirus. It is not only a matter of government departments or medical workers, but also a close relationship with us.
In the battle against the disease without gunpowder smoke, there emerged a moving picture: some medical staff took the initiative to go to the battlefield without concealing their family members; some were sealed under protective clothing for 8 hours continuously, and no fire line was allowed to drip with sweat; some stayed for 432 hours, treating patients day and night But under the heavy protective clothing, they are also ordinary people like us and have their own warm home, but they still choose to go to the front. A first-line doctor said: "in fact, I'm afraid, but I have to rush to the first line to give patients hope to live!"
我们看到,在医护人员奋战一线的同时,各行各业的人已经行动起来,共同汇聚起守望相助的温暖希望,有的在镜头之内,有的镜头之外,但他们的努力凝聚成一股强大的力量 ,在这场战争中,如一道光芒,将温暖撒入每个人的心中。
We see that, while medical staff are fighting in the front line, people from all walks of life have taken action to gather together warm hope of watching and helping each other. Some of them are in the lens, some are out of the lens, but their efforts have condensed into a powerful force. In this war, such as a ray of light, warmth will be scattered into everyone's heart. www.liuxuepaper.com
Novel coronavirus, a eight year old man, went to the affected area when he SARS outbreak in 2003. He chaired guidelines for the diagnosis and treatment of acute infectious diseases such as SARS and made an important contribution to the fight against SARS. However, in the fight against new coronavirus in Wuhan, he was once again in danger and appointed as head of the National High Commissioner for Health Protection Committee. He is Professor Zhong Nanshan, 84 years old. From Guangzhou to Wuhan, then to Beijing, in recent days, we have learned about the epidemic situation on the spot, studied the prevention and control plan, and held a press conference His work schedule is full, and seeing his photos on the front line of epidemic prevention is immediately awe inspiring. At the age of 84, regardless of personal safety, he fought on the front line of epidemic prevention again, gave the whole nation a reassurance and paid tribute to academician Zhong Nanshan! https://m.liuxuepaper.com
The front-line workers of anti epidemic work to overcome difficulties in the front, and each of us should also do our first duty of health. We should form good habits such as wearing masks, washing hands frequently and not spitting everywhere. This is not only our responsibility for our health, but also our support for front-line workers in the anti epidemic.
Let each of us gather our strength to spend the war without gunpowder.
