Acrobatics is the performance that shows excellent skills of balance and action coordination.
Acrobatics is most often associated with activities that make extensive use of gymnastic skills, such as circus and gymnastics, but many other activities,such as wushu,ballet and diving may also adopt elements of acrobatics.
杂技常和广 泛使用体操技能的活动相联系,比如马戏(circus)、体操,但许多其他运动,如武术、芭蕾和跳水也可能采用杂技元素。
Wuqiao is well known as the hometown of acrobatics in China. It is said that all residents in Wuqiao, from kids learning to walk to the old with grey some acrobatics. Young people practice the art during the breaks from work.
杂技(acrobatics)是展现高超的平衡技巧和动作协调能力的表演。杂技常和广 泛使用体操技能的活动相联系,比如马戏(circus)、体操,但许多其他运动,如武术、芭蕾和跳水也可能采用杂技元素。吴桥是中国众所周知的杂技之乡。据说吴桥的所有居民,从学步孩童到白发老人,都多少会点杂技。年轻人在工作间隙练习杂技。
Many families have their unique skills handed down through generations. There are acrobats from Wuqiao Aroughout China, even the world.As a Chinese acrobatics field, if you don't have an acrobat from Wuqiao, you can't have an acrobatics troupe.
