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时间:2010-09-03来源:雅思作文栏目:雅思英语作文作者:作文地带 英语作文收藏:收藏本文



1. Globalization
Globalization-the international spread of products, ideas and information-is bringing the world closer together. But globalization is not a new concept. For thousands of years,nations have roamed the earth in search of new markets and new sources of raw materials for their own industries.
2. Telephone/Mobile phone
Imagine using smoking signals,carrier pigeons or riders on horseback to send an important message. Although those methods may sound strange,years ago people used them to communicate. Today,all a person has to do is pick up a telephone/mobile phone.【文章有新意,用对比的方法引出手机的定义,对比中又幽默含蓄的批判。我喜欢】
3. Studying abroad
Every year,students around the world leave behind the comforts of home to pursue a study-abroad experience in a foreign country. While many would say that studying abroad is advantageous,some would argue otherwise.【简简单单,切中肯綮,有的时候,平平淡淡才是真】
4. Success
As Thomas Edison once said,"If you wish to succeed,you should use persistence as your good friend, experience as your reference,prudence as your brother and hope as your sentry. "This essay is going to look at factors that constitute success.【在文章开头写名人名言,要三思而行,开头写名言的同学直接被"枪毙"的比比皆是】


1. Some people think that universities should provide graduates with the knowledge and skills needed in the workplace. Others think that the true function of a university should be to give access to knowledge for its own sake,regardless of whether the course is useful to an employer. What,in your opinion,should be the main function of a university? (剑七Test 4)
However, reaching the conclusion that other functions,such as giving access to knowledge for its own sake,are no longer important is biased. For hundreds of years,especially in the west,the undergraduate education is,indeed, a liberal education,which means the undergraduates learn a wide range of curriculums such as psychology, economics, politics that has no direct relations to jobs. The upsides of this is that it firstly enables students to become broad-minded and help them lay a solid theoretical foundation,then they will be able to choose the most appropriate field based on their own interests for further studies. 作文地带-英语作文网
