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时间:2011-05-24来源:新东方栏目:英语作文写作技巧作者:网络整理 英语作文收藏:收藏本文
2011英语四六级进入备考阶段,六级备考资料供大家参考,祝大家取得好成绩! Cinema and Television A survey has been conductd in the United Kingdom about cinema admissions and television licences over the period 19
作文地带导读:2011英语四六级进入备考阶段,六级备考资料供大家参考,祝大家取得好成绩! Cinema and Television A survey has been conductd in the United Kingdom about cinema admissions and television licences over the period 192011英语四六级进入备考阶段,六级备考资料供大家参考,祝大家取得好成绩!

  Cinema and Television

  A survey has been conductd in the United Kingdom about cinema admissions and television licences over the period 1957 to 1974. The purpose of the survey was to discover the ehanges of the popularity of cinema and television in this period.

  According to the graph, it can be seen that the trend was towards a decrease in the popularity of the cinema. There was a dramatic fall in the number of cinema admissions from 1957, when about 900 million people went, to 1959, when the attendance figure was roughly 550 million. From 1959 to 1963 the rate of decrease slowed down, the figure for the latter year being about 350 million. From this yearon, there was a more gradual reduction in the popularity of the cinema, reaching a figure of about 125 million in 1974.

  Therefore, it can be concluded from the graph that over the period 1957 to 1974 the cinema admissions became lower and lower while the television viewing licences became higher and higher oving to the advantages of watching television at home than going out to the cinema though it does not show directly in the grapgh.
