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时间:2011-05-26来源:网络整理栏目:英语作文写作技巧作者:未知 英语作文收藏:收藏本文
词汇的记忆虽然并不复杂,但是由于单词多、散,需要重复和持久性记忆,常常成为最让学生头疼的事。温馨提醒大家,反复听写单词,重复记忆是很有效的。 R rival n.对手=opponent reck
作文地带导读:词汇的记忆虽然并不复杂,但是由于单词多、散,需要重复和持久性记忆,常常成为最让学生头疼的事。温馨提醒大家,反复听写单词,重复记忆是很有效的。 R rival n.对手=opponent reck词汇的记忆虽然并不复杂,但是由于单词多、散,需要重复和持久性记忆,常常成为最让学生头疼的事。温馨提醒大家,反复听写单词,重复记忆是很有效的。


  rival n.对手=opponent

  reckless a.卤莽的

  resort to v.诉诸于

  restore v.恢复

  restraint n.约束

  relevant a.有关的

  remedy n.治疗法

  resistant a.抵抗的

  respective a.分别的

  resume v.重新开始

  random a.随意的 at ~

  reap v.收获

  reap crops

  reassure v.使放心

  reconcile v.使和解

  rectify v.纠正

  refrain from v.抑制

  refute v.驳倒

  remainder n.剩余的部分

  repel v.使厌恶;击退;排斥>The odor ~s me./The odor can ~mosquito.

  reproach v.责备=blame

  resemblance v.相似

  resent v.怨恨>He resented being called his nickname.

  retort v.反驳

  retrieve v.取回(get back, bring back)

  reunion n.团聚

  an occasion for family ~

  revelation n.揭示

  revive v.使复苏>~ economy

  rigorous a.严格的~ training for doctors

  rip v.撕裂

  ritual n.仪式

  His morning ~is to make coffee, take a shower and have breakfast.

  robust a.健壮的

  rot v.腐烂=decay


  sustain v.维持=support

  scandal n.丑闻

  strive v.力求~ for freedom

  submit to v.屈服=yield to

  striking a.显著的

  scrape v.刮,擦

  sensible a.合情理的

  stereotype n.陈规,固定的看法

  submerge v.淹没

  cope n.范围

  seemingly ad.表面上

  speculate v.猜测

  steep a.陡的

  summon v.唤起 How can I ~ up his courage?

  shift v.移动;转变~ responsibility on to others

  scatter v..驱散

  sentiment n.感情

  severe a.严重的~ wound

  shield v.保护

  simultaneously a.同时地

  sole a.唯一的

  sponsor n.赞助者

  startle v.惊吓

  substantial a.可观的,大量的

  a substantial income

  sufficient a.充分的

  supplement v./n.补充>He ~ed his income by taking apart-time job.

  safeguard v.保护

  savage a.野蛮的=not civilized

  scent n.香味 The scent of women(Oscar 影片)

  scrutiny n.细看

  setback n.挫折

  shatter v.使粉碎> It shattered my dream.

  simulate v.模拟

  skeptical a.怀疑的

  slack a.松弛的

  sneak v.溜;偷偷地做英语作文
