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Need a car real bad——急着要买车

时间:2010-08-07来源:英语学习网络整理栏目:英语幽默笑话作者:作文地带 英语作文收藏:收藏本文
Snow was falling heavily the day I decided to visit a car dealership. I was confident I'd get a great deal, figuring the salesmen would be desperate for customers on such a lousy day. Sure enough, when I entered the showroom, I was the only client. But my

  Snow was falling heavily the day I decided to visit a car dealership. I was confident I'd get a great deal, figuring the salesmen would be desperate for customers on such a lousy day. Sure enough, when I entered the showroom, I was the only client. But my hope of getting a good deal quickly faded with the salesman's first words. "Boy," he said, "you must want a new car real bad to come out on a day like this."

  我决定去一家车行看车的那天雪下得非常大。 我琢磨,这样的鬼天气,车行的人肯定是盼星星盼月亮地昐顾客上门,这时候去买车价钱肯定划算。  一点没错, 当我进入展厅的时候,我就是那唯一的顾客。 但当销售人员一开口,我那如意算盘马上就打不响了。 “小兄弟”,他兴高采烈地说,“这样的天你也出来(看车),看来你是真着急要买辆新车了”。

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