My dream home 我梦想的家

My dream home 我梦想的家

  My dream home is an old castle in France. There are at least thirty rooms in it. It has three floors.

  There is a big sitting room and dining room on the ground floor. It must have a very large window on the ground floor. I can look out of the window.

  There are six bedrooms on the first floor. Maybe my good friends can live in the rooms. There is a bathroom in each bedroom. I would like my friends to have a shower or a bath in my castle.

  There is a special room on the second floor. I can put all my clothes in the room. The room must be next to my bedroom. There is a big bed in my own bedroom. It is two meters long, because I love to sleep. There is a bathroom in my bedroom.

  There is a very large garden outside my house. I can have breakfast in this garden. I can have parties in it. The garden is like a park. There are many kinds of flowers and trees in it. In the centre of the garden, there is a wooden swing. I can play on it.

  This is my dream home. It is a nice dream.




  • 梦想Dream:是对未来的一种期望,心中努力想要实现的目标。诸如事业与爱情等等。

    1.梦中怀想。 汉 司马相如 《长门赋》:“忽寝寐而梦想兮,魄若君之在旁。” 南朝 梁武帝 《与何胤敕》:“本欲屈卿暂出,开导后生,既属废业,此怀未遂。延伫之劳,载盈梦想。” 五代 王定保 《唐摭言·怨怒》:“虽限山川,常怀梦想。” 明 高启 《咏隐逸·卢鸿》:“ 开元 始求治,贤哲劳梦想。”

    2.空想;妄想。 宋 苏轼 《赠清凉寺和长老》诗:“老去山林徒梦想,雨馀钟鼓更清新。”《花月痕》第四一回:“大凡有眼界遂有意识,有意识即有窒碍、恐怖、变幻、颠倒、梦想相因而至。”茅盾 《子夜》八:“呵!你-- 老冯 ,还有这种享福的梦想!再过一两年,你的田契送给人家也没人领情罢!”

    3.理想。 何其芳 《我为少男少女们歌唱》诗:“对于生活我又充满了梦想,充满了渴望。”

My dream home 我梦想的家
《My dream home 我梦想的家》
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