买早餐 Buy breakfast

买早餐 Buy breakfast

  今天早上 ,我起床后,推开妈妈卧室的门,我看到妈妈还在睡觉,表情有点痛苦,我知道妈妈一定是胃又疼了。

  This morning, after I got up, I pushed open the door of my mother's bedroom. I saw that my mother was still sleeping, and her expression was a little painful. I knew that my mother must have a stomachache again.

  于是,我穿好鞋子,拿着自己的压岁钱,掂着滑板车(只想快点回来)下楼给妈妈买早餐。到了楼下才知道雨还在不停地下着,我戴着衣服上的帽子,溜着滑板车给生病的妈妈买回热乎乎的早餐, 可把我累的气喘呼呼。回到家赶紧把早餐给妈妈了。才发现自己的裤子、鞋子、袜子全都湿了,妈妈看到我狼狈的样子心疼极了,连忙帮我找干净的衣服换下来。

  So I put on my shoes, took my new year's money, weighed the scooter (just want to come back soon) and went downstairs to buy breakfast for my mother. I didn't know it was raining until I arrived downstairs. I was wearing a hat on my clothes and sliding a scooter to buy my sick mother a warm breakfast, which made me gasp for breath. When I got home, I gave my mother my breakfast. Only then discovered own trousers, the shoes, the sock were all wet, mother saw me to be in a mess the appearance to be extremely distressed, hurriedly helps me to find the clean clothes to change.


  She looked at me and smiled happily. I also smiled happily, because I grew up and can help my mother work and take care of my dear mother.




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买早餐 Buy breakfast
《买早餐 Buy breakfast》
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