经过了一个学期艰苦的学习和复习, 我们终于了迎来期末考试。
After a semester of hard study and review, we finally ushered in the final exam.
期末考试的前一天 , 老师告诫我们回家不要玩, 也不要太晚睡。 准备明天在期末考试时勇跃发挥。
The day before the final exam, the teacher told us not to play or sleep too late. Prepare to play bravely in the final exam tomorrow.
经过了一个晚上的漫长时间。 我终于迎来了期末考试。
After a long night. I finally got the final exam.
期末考试开始了, 所先是考数学, 数学对我来说虽然很简单, 但是也不能轻视, 所以一发试卷, 我先认真省题, 再细心答题, 仔细检查。 做完了这几项, 我就在座位上优哉游哉得等着收 试卷。 经过了一个漫长的等待, 终于收卷铃声响了。 我把试卷交给了考官。
The final exam begins. First, I will take the math test. Although the math is very simple to me, it can't be despised. So once I issue the test paper, I will save the questions carefully, and then carefully answer and check them. Having finished these items, I was so free in my seat that I had to wait for the paper to be collected. After a long wait, the winding bell finally rings. I gave the examination paper to the examiner.
在我跟别人对答案时, 我感到晴天霹雳。 我竟然错了两三道题, 我马上想: 死了, 这次数学可能答不了标。 顿时, 我想起试卷上那鲜红的叉。 想起老师生气的脸和父母气愤的心情。 我一 下子就像被打下十八层地狱一样。
I feel like a bolt from the blue when I have an answer with someone else. I even got two or three wrong questions, and I immediately thought: dead, this math may not answer the mark. Suddenly, I thought of the bright red fork on the test paper. Think of teachers angry face and parents angry mood. I feel like I've been knocked down 18 layers of hell.
想到这里, 我马上想: 还有两场考试, 一定要仔细仔细再仔细。 争取补一下数学。
Thinking of this, I immediately thought: there are two exams, we must be careful and careful. Try to make up for math.