感谢老师 Thank you teacher

感谢老师 Thank you teacher


  It is said that the teacher's kindness is like a mountain. Our little progress and some achievements gather your hard work. You are like a ship, leading us to the sea of knowledge. You are like a hard gardener, the language of spreading knowledge moistens us. Thank you! Thank you for accompanying us through the turning point of life and illuminating the road ahead for us!

  这三年来,是您一直在默默帮助我渡过一个又一个难关,是您握着我的手陪我走过一次又一次的考试。在学校里,您像我们的父母,无时无刻都在关照着我们,耳畔总能回荡起您说的那句话:"不要放弃,相信自己!" 我们就像一颗颗无助的小树苗,在您的照料下,已开花结果。课堂外,您是我们的人生导师,当我们有烦恼时,总会第一时间向您诉说,您开导我们,教我们如何去解决。您说过,心态也十分重要,用不同的眼光看世界,会发现不一样的色彩。在我们疲乏无助时,是您带我们走出人生的漩涡;在我们痛苦难过时,是您为我们擦拭眼角的泪水;在我们悖逆反叛时,是您让我们重归正道,做一个正直向上的青少年!

  In the past three years, you have been quietly helping me through one difficulty after another, and you have been holding my hand to accompany me through one examination after another. In school, you are like our parents, caring for us all the time. Your words are always echoed: "don't give up, believe in yourself!"! "We are like helpless saplings, which have blossomed and fruited under your care. Outside the classroom, you are our life tutor. When we have troubles, we will always tell you at the first time that you enlighten us and teach us how to solve them. As you said, mentality is also very important. If you look at the world from different perspectives, you will find different colors. When we are tired and helpless, it is you who take us out of the whirlpool of life; when we are in pain and sorrow, it is you who wipe the corner of our eyes; when we are rebellious and rebellious, it is you who let us return to the right way and be a upright and upward youth!


  Thank you teacher, you use your hands to make our success!



感谢老师 Thank you teacher
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