Translation Tips:“走光”与“跑光”
误译:The incident of the film star's accidental exposure has drawn public attention.
正译:The incident of the film star's wardrobe malfunction has drawn public attention.
解释:这句话的“走光”的意思是“衣服没盖住隐私部位的一种委婉说法”。而accidental exposure的意思是“意外暴露”,不能表达出“走光”的委婉含义。
“走光”的第一个意思是“全都走开了”。译为to go away, to leave, to clear off。例如:
1. 酒席散了,客人都走光了。When the feast was over, the guests all went away.
“走光”的第二个意思是“由于不经意的行为或动作使自己的隐私部位曝光”。译为 wardrobe malfunction, wardrobe mishap。例如:
2. 有些名人走光是意外之事,而另外的名人走光看上去则是纯属故意。Some celebrity wardrobe malfunctions were accidental while others look to be purely intentional.
“跑光”与“走光”一字之差,但意思区别很大。“跑光”第一个意思是“全都跑开了”。译为to run away, to flee away。“跑光”的第二个意思是“气体或液体全都漏完了”或“燃料全都耗尽了”。译为 to go flat, to run out (of)。
“跑光”的第三个意思是“感光材料(如感光纸、胶片)因封闭不严而感光”,也说“漏光”。为to be exposed to light。例如:
3. 由于感光纸已经跑光,现在没有什么用处了。As the sensitive paper has been exposed to light, it is now useless.
▲ (作文地带提示,本栏目供稿:王逢鑫教授)