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Critically evaluate the claim that banning mobile phones enh
Source From: 未知 Author: 笨小孩
Critically evaluate the claim that banning mobile phones enhances students’ engagement and performance

This formative assessment requires you to use an Essay Writing Process. Before beginning this assessment you should complete stages 1-3 of the essay writing process. You must use the 4 VLE sources to complete this assessment. For guidance you can refer to the ‘practising the EWP teachers’ copy’ on the VLE.
The assessment has 3 main parts. 
  1. Part 1 requires you note down the main ideas you identify in the 4 VLE sources, consider if they can be used to argue For (+) or Against (-) the claim in the essay questions.  You should also attempt to highlight these ideas thematically to show which ideas are similar and which are not.
  2. Part 2 requires you to reformulate your thesis statement based on the ideas in part 1.
  3. Part 3 requires you to complete a full reference list for all the articles, books or other source material you have used. 
What you will be assessed on:
  • How accurately you have identified and relevant arguments in the source material.
  • How well you have correctly understood the position/argument of each author in the source material.
  • How well you have been able to group similar ideas together (as indicated by you highlighted notes).
  • How well your reformulated thesis actually follows from the idea/evidence you have presented in your notes.
  • How well you have constructed topic sentences that link the flow of the argument and indicate what the main point in the paragraphs will be.
  • How well you have included evidence (data) in your argument.
  • How well you have referenced your source material.
How to Submit:
Your formative assessment should be typed and one electronic copy should be submitted to Turnitin before the deadline. Make sure you submit to the correct class. Remember to write your name and Student ID number at the top of you assessment.


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