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App设计 report
Source From: 加加留学 Author: 网络
For this project you need to address a specific audience of your choice (wide
or narrow) and envision and descripe two different persona from this audience who will use this app to make the planet’s climate more sustainable. The design needs to apply the ideas of Interaction Design (User Centered Design and other methods) we have studied in class. It needs to engage the specific affordances of the phone. The interaction/s at the heart of the app must be meaningful in the subjective (to the user) and objective (to a climate scientist) sense.
• The idea is creative and original (20 points)
• Concept clearly and thoroughly explained in a 200 word abstract (10 points) • 200+ words clearly introducing the problem (5 points)
• 200+ words framing the user experience (5 points)
• 200+ words creating and describing two personas (10 points)
• 200+ words creating and describing scenarios for them (10 points)
• 200+ words clearly describing the prototype (15 points)
• 200+ words clearly justifying the value of the prototype to the audience as
subjectly meaningful (10 points)
• 200+ words clearly justifying the value of the prototype to a climate scientist as
objectively meaningful (10 points)
• Original quality images clearly showing what the different parts of the experience
look like (10 points)
• The three closest/most popular examples of Prior Art, with images and
descriptions of how each product differsfrom yours (15 points)

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