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ECON203 Microeconomic Analysis (Session 2, 2018)
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ECON203 Microeconomic Analysis (Session 2, 2018)

Application assessment 3

Vaccination and access to payments and facilities

From January 1 2018, the NSW government has restricted access to child-care tochildren who are fully immunized, and has made it unlawful for principals of child-care centres to ignore these restrictions:

From July 1, 2018 the Australian government through its ‘No Jab, No Pay’ initiativehas made eligibility to the full value of Family Tax Benefit Part A dependent on allchildren in the family being fully immunized:


How do mandatory charges and exclusions affect the decision whether or not tovaccinate? How might it affect public health outcomes?

How might this issue berepresented in game-theoretic terms?

Considering the costs and benefits, are theseapproaches likely to be an efficient policy move in public health terms?

On the ethical side, what are the consequentialist and deontological cases for oragainst policies designed to increase the cost of non-vaccination for parents?

Are thesemeasures ethically justified? Are the economic aspects and the ethical aspects inconflict?

If so, can they be reconciled? 注:本栏目重在收集一些海外留学文书的题目,以便加加留学编辑深入了解海外教育方式与发展形势,从而拓展个人陈述、推荐信等文书的写作思路。
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