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Vancouver Referencing
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Vancouver Referencing
In-text citations:
Number each different citation in the order in which it appears in the text. Numbers should appear in brackets e.g. (1), multiple citations should be separated by a comma e.g. (1,2).
Order references in the bibliography as they appear in the text. Following the bibliography number, the order is as follows:
Journal Articles
Author. Title. Journal. Year; Volume(Issue):Pages.
Authors should be listed with surnames first followed by initials without punctuation. Authors are separated by commas. 'And' is not used. Journal titles are abbreviated as done in PubMed. No periods or full stops are used after the abbreviations within the title.
If there are more than seven authors, list the first six followed by “, et al.”.
1. Bedrick AE, Ramaswamy G, Tchertkoff V. Histochemical determination of copper, zinc, and iron in some benign and malignant tissues. Am J Clin Pathol. 1986; 86(5):637-40.
2. Baxter RV, Ben Othmane K, Rochelle JM, Stajich JE, Hulette C, Dew-Knight S, et al. Ganglioside-induced differentiation-associated protein-1 is mutant in Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease type 4A/8q21. Nat Genet. 2002; 30(1):21-2.
Author. Title. Edition ed.  Editor/s. City: Publisher; Year.
3. Billoski TV. Introduction to Paleontology. 6th ed. New York: Institutional Press; 1992.
Book Chapter or Section
Author. Title. In: Editor/s. Book Title. Edition ed. City: Publisher; Year. p. Pages.
4. Schwartz MT, Billoski TV. Greenhouse hypothesis: effect on dinosaur extinction. In: Jones BT, Lovecraft NV, editors. Extinction. New York: Barnes and Ellis; 1990. p. 175-89.
Title. URL. Access Date.
5. What is Parkinson's? Cited 2010, 11 Feb; Available from: http://www.parkinsons.org.uk/about-parkinsons/what-is-parkinsons/what-is-parkinsons.aspx.

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