Each student is required to submit a report (in powerpoint format) on an international entrepreneurship article/news story. The article should focus on an international entrepreneurial or intrapreneurial venture or a topic related to international entrepreneurship (e.g., comparative entrepreneurship, international social entrepreneurship, international entrepreneurial finance).
Recommended sources for the news story are Entrepreneurship.com, Wall Street Journal, Asian Wall Street Journal, Financial Times, The Economist, Investor’s Business Daily, Business Week-Bloomberg, Fortune, Forbes, International Herald Tribune, Nikkei Times, INC, New York Times, South China Morning Post, CNBC, and other major dailies and periodicals. Feel free to use online editions of these publications as well as other online sources. Choose current articles—those published during the last 12 months.
Your report should be in a powerpoint format and include the following:
Post your powerpoint report in the section on Canvas dedicated for Short Assignment 2: IE News Story. Your report will be accessible to your group mates, as well as other students in the class.
I will apply the following criteria in evaluating your news story presentation: