visual analysis Essay Topic
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For this assessment, students are required to write a 2,000 word essay in response to one of the questions listed below. Drawing on the concepts offered in the relevant readings, students must perform a forensic visual analysis in order to demonstrate their argument.
Please note that students must not write on the same topic or example that they used in their visual analysis. For example, if a student used an example of graffiti in the visual analysis they should not pick one of the questions about graffiti for their final essay. If a student wrote about kitsch for their visual analysis, they should not write about kitsch for their final essay.
oDiscuss the importance of technologies of reproduction in relation to kitsch. In your answer, you need to discuss Benjamin and Olalquiaga's work on the aura and the democratisation of the image in relation to an original and specific example.
oAboriginalist kitsch is enabled by white supremacism: it is an "assertion of rights of ownership in the intellectual and cultural sphere to match power in the political and economic sphere," B. Hodge and V. Mishra. Discuss.
o"We are enveloped by the gigantic, surrounded by it, enclosed within its shadow. Whereas we know the miniature as a spatial whole or as temporal parts, we know the gigantic only partially. We move through the landscape; it does not move through us," Susan Stewart. Discuss gigantism and the miniature in the context of examples in the Australian landscape.
oKitsch and queer "are in a lascivious embrace. They constantly transmute," Craig Judd. Discuss in relation to a specific and original example.
oQueer kitsch brings into focus a concept of the self as "performative, improvisational, discontinuous, and processually constituted by repetitive and stylised acts," Moe Myer. Discuss in relation to an example of your choice.
o"Representational excess, heterogeneity, and gratuitousness of reference, in constituting a major raison d'etre of camp's fun and exclusiveness, both signal and contribute to an overall resistance to definition," Fabio Cleto. Discuss.
o"The audience's connection with celebrities, celetoids and celeactors is dominated by imaginary relationships," Chris Rojek. Discuss in relation to a specific example of celebrity kitsch.
oConstruct your own essay question, with reference to the topics and readings of the unit, in consultation with your tutor.
Essays will be marked according to the following criteria:
8.Demonstrates a clear and effective grasp of the key concepts raised in the relevant readings
9.Identifies relevant example/s and provides contextualised and forensic analysis
10.Develops a well-supported and well-researched argument
11.Effectively re-evaluates practices of everyday life that are often dismissed as worthless or ephemeral
12.Critiques relevant hierarchies of value
13.Effectively uses writing skills to present academic research, including consistent and accurate use of in-text referencing.
This Assessment Task relates to the following Learning Outcomes:
oDemonstrate critical skills, informed by cultural theories, that will enable students to re-evaluate those practices of everyday life that are often dismissed as worthless or ephemeral.
oDevelop analytical skills that will enable students to examine and critique the presuppositions that constitute those hierarchies of value that classify, judge and position cultural objects and practices.
oDevelop research skills that will enable students to present theorised, contextualised and informed accounts of key issues and problems in the context of subcultural and counter-visual practices.
oDemonstrate communication skills in order effectively and creatively to present research.
oEmploy cultural literacy skills that will educate students on the importance of issues of cultural difference and ethical relations across diverse social and political contexts.