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超级女声(super Girl)

时间:2010-12-29来源:作文地带栏目:作者:liuxuepaper.com 英语作文收藏:收藏本文
超级女声(super Girl)
As all people expected,the third "super Girl" competition has been open today, which,hoping ,will bring lots of funs to us young included all aged people!

  Two years ago,The Super Girl came into fashion in the summer when the first was open,then last year,there was a increaing number of people become funs of the Super Girl,so that it became the most prevailing TV programs in china,even it go to abroad.But my opinion is that it has merits as well as disadvantages,to a degree,this program bring funs to us,satisfies citizens' requirement.Meanwhile,many corporations benifits from this commerical TV Act.Certainly,Super girl still has a long way to improve the quality,be more suitable to us,inducing the yellow publication.

  At last ,I wish the administrators of Hunan TV go to great lengths to do well!And I belive that with more efforts,a growing number people will take a greater insterest in Super Girl!

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