Many reasons account for the fact that there are so many fake commodities in the market. First, although some factories are not so famous, they want their products to sell well so that they can gain more profit. So they will put the brand name of a prestigious company on their products. Second, although some consumers are not so well off, yet, they can't resist the temptation of having something produced by a famous company, therefore, they buy the fake commodities to show off to the others. Finally, some fake commodities serve almost as well as the genuine ones, but they are much cheaper. So many people still buy them.
Fake commodities will undoubtedly do harm to both the individual and the society. The consumers are, of course, the direct victims. Fake commodities are usually of very poor quality, which often do harm to consumers. I have heard so many cases in which gas leaked from gas-heaters, resulting in death. Moreover, fake commodities cut into the profits of the other companies, breaking the rule in fair competition and thus causing other social problems.
英语作文【在百度搜索更多与“假冒伪劣商品(Harmfulness of Fake Commodities)”相关英语作文】