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我们的图书馆(Our School Library)

时间:2010-05-22来源:liuxuepaper栏目:作者:liuxuepaper 英语作文收藏:收藏本文
我们的图书馆(Our School Library)
There is a library in our school. It is open from eight o'clock in the morning till half past five in the afternoon. We often go there to borrow books.

  We can borrow five books at a time and keep them for two weeks. If we can't finish reading them in two weeks, we can go and renew them. The librarian is always ready to help the students. If the book you want is out, she will help you to choose another one. We always take good care of the borrowed books. We can also look through newspapers and magazines in the reading-room, but we are not allowed to take them out of the reading-room.

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