ladies and gentleman毛泽东故居英文简介
welcome tothe former home of maozedong .first let me interduce my self.my name is pete .I'm so happy to be your locat guide today , I hopewe can be friend as soon as possible and may you enjoy yourself stay here,I'll do my best to serve you.
as we all know ,mao is one of the great famous leaders in the world.he is extremely adimired by chinese people and as well as the world people. but such a great talent,how about his home.so after you have a visit here,you'll have a surprise.
the hometown of mao is shaoshanchong,a deep narrow vally with steep side ,which lies in the thouwest of changsha ,about 600 households lived here in the past. now the antique farm house in front of us is the former residence of mao .on decmber 26th 1893 ,chair mao was born here and spent his childhood and youth .early on march of 1961 ,the former residence was protected as the culture relic site by the state council and it become one of the most inportant revolutional memerial place in china ,since the prof china was founded ,the former residence has received many people .some of them are inportant foreign leaders.
in front of the fomer residence are lotus pool and sothern bank poll,chair mao was interested in swimming ,and the southern bank pool was the best place for him in his youth ,it is said when chair mao was a child ,he omce dived into the pool in order to avoid his father's scold,became the paddy of his home was washed away while he is helping his neighbor.
OK, please pay attention to the former residence,it is a typical southern farm house . at the top of the gate ,we can red inscribed plaque with several gilded chinese charcters,it reads"former residence maozedong" which was personally wrotten by dengxiaoping on 2nd of apirl in 1983 .entering the gate,it's the guest room which shared by two families and it used to whorship the forebears .across the guest room is kitchen.there is special stove here your coyntry ,and just here ,chair mao encoulged his relatives go to revolt.
now we have come to the bedroom of the parents of mao on the 26th 12 in 1893 the great leader of chairmao was born here, here is the photo ,his father was a very hard working and smart peasant ,but in 1920 he died of disease ,his mather a kind and cleaver peasant woman,she had a tonder heart and she used to relieve the poor,the good maratity of his parents had an important effect on him when chairmao came back in 1959 and saw the photo ,he said :"I look more like my mother".
here is chairmao's bedroom the people in the photo on the wall are chairmao ,his mother and his two yong brothers,when chairmao worked in changsha his young brother maozeqing statied there ,his elder young brother maozeming set his mother to changsha to see ther doctor ,because she was serously ill.so they four had a chance to get goterther to take the only photo ,which is very precious ,on the top of the ma bedroom is a small attic ,from february to august in 1925 ,chair mao started the peasant movement at shaoshan and he hold important meeting upstairs form time to time.
OK, friends please coutinute to walk forward this is a place for his family to keep farming tools.mao started to take part in labor at age of six from 13 to 15 ,because his family lacked of labor force ,he suspend his schoolcing and pursued farm work ,so mao had been a farmer for two year's
this room is maozeqing's bedroom ,he was born in 1905 when he was 13 .he went to study in changsha,he become an member of the communist party china,then he pursued the politics of the party and military,butin 1935 he was unfotunately shot ,next room is maozeming's bedroom,he was born in 1895,he sacrified for the revolutional cause in 1947.
OK,after visiting all the rooms ,please look at the back of the house ,here is the place where mao had labord in his childhood mao had a good heatr and sympathized the poor ,since in his childhood he was always ready to help the poor when they were in dificulty,we also can see the paddy ,in his childhood ,he used to help his family to do the farm work in the field ,so he was very familar to the land.
OK ,now ladies and gentleman ,what your suprise now? I hope the visiting of the former residence of mao will give you a beautiful impression and i hope you will remember mao forever.