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时间:2010-08-23来源:作文地带栏目:英语日记作者:英语学习 英语作文收藏:收藏本文
社会主义新农村 Socialist New Countryside 铁饭碗 Iron Rice Bowl 西部大开发 Western Development 小康社会 A moderately prosperous society 新型工业化道路 New Path of Industrialization 兴边富民行动 Program to Revitalize Border Areas and Enrich Residents' Lives 循环经济 Circular Econo

  社会主义新农村 Socialist New Countryside

  铁饭碗 Iron Rice Bowl

  西部大开发 Western Development

  小康社会 A moderately prosperous society

  新型工业化道路 New Path of Industrialization

  兴边富民行动 Program to Revitalize Border Areas and Enrich Residents' Lives

  循环经济 Circular Economy

  又好又快发展 Sound and Fast Development

  抓大放小 Restructuring Major Enterprises and Relaxing Control over Small Ones

  三资企业 Foreign-funded enterprises

  三来一补企业 Enterprises of Three Import and Compensation Trade

  农村土地承包制 Rural Land Contract System

  农村税费改革 Rural Tax and Fee Reform

  南水北调工程 South-to-North Water Diversion Project

  绿色信贷 Green Credit

  两限房 House of "Two Limits"

  廉租房 Low-rent Housing

  利改税 Tax for Profits

  经济适用房 Economical Housing

  金税工程 Golden Tax Project

  “三步走”战略 Three-Step Development Strategy

  “三农”问题 Issues of agriculture, farmer and rural area

  “三沿”地区开放 Opening-up of seashore, river shore and border areas

  财产性收入 Property Income

  菜篮子工程 Non-Staple Food Project

  分税制 Tax Sharing System

  家庭联产承包责任制 Household Contract Responsibility System

  假日经济 Holiday Economy
