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英语童谣Little Bo Peep Section

时间:2010-08-07来源:少儿英语学习栏目:少儿英语作者:少儿英语 英语作文收藏:收藏本文
Little Bo Peep Section Little Bo-peep has lost her sheep, And doesn't know where to find them. Leave them alone and they'll come home, Wagging their tails behind them. Little Bo-peep fell fast asleep, And dreamt she heard them bleating; But when she awoke

Little Bo Peep Section
Little Bo-peep has lost her sheep,
And doesn't know where to find them.
Leave them alone and they'll come home,
Wagging their tails behind them.

Little Bo-peep fell fast asleep,
And dreamt she heard them bleating;
But when she awoke, she found it a joke,
For they were still a-fleeting.

Then up she took her little crook,
Determined for to find them;
She found them indeed, but it made her heart bleed,
For they'd left all their tails behind them. 

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