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英语故事集The Three Wishes

时间:2010-08-07来源:少儿英语学习栏目:少儿英语作者:少儿英语 英语作文收藏:收藏本文
【英语童话故事】同学们,你会讲英语故事吗?这是一个锻炼自己讲英语故事的好素材。曲折的情节,生动的对话,流畅的句式一定有助于你记忆、背诵并绘声绘色地表演。先在班上比一比,然后推选出最佳选手到学校活动时秀一秀,好吗? Once upon a time, there lived a woodman and his wife. They were ver
  Once upon a time, there lived a woodman and his wife. They were very poor, and they lived in a cottage on the edge(1) of a forest. Every day, the woodman would set out(2) early in the morning to chop down trees.
  As the woodman was travelling through the forest one day, he saw a fine old oak tree. “That will make plenty of planks(3),” he thought, as he felt the blade(4) of his axe to make sure it was sharp. He was about to(5) strike the tree with the axe, when(6) he heard someone crying out, “Please don’t hurt this tree.”
  The woodman looked around him and saw a tiny fairy. “If you do not hurt this tree,” she said, “I will grant(7) you and your wife three wishes.”
  “I won’t hurt the tree,” said the woodman kindly. Then the fairy vanished(8)!
  That evening, the woodman walked slowly home. He was feeling very hungry and could not wait for his supper.
  “Is my supper ready?” the woodman asked his wife.
  “Not for at least two hours(9),” replied his
  wife. So the woodman sat in a chair by the fire.
  “I wish I had a big black sausage(10) to eat right now(11),” he said out loud. And suddenly, a delicioussausage appeared on the table before him! “Why has that black sausage suddenly appeared(12)?”the woodman’s wife asked.
  So the woodman told his wife the story about the fairy. But his wife was very angry. “You have waste(13) the first of our wishes,” she said crossly(14). “I wish that sausage were on your nose(15)!” And with those words, the sausage jumped up and stuck fast(16) on the woodman’s nose. His wife could not pull it off and nor could he(17), so the only thing to do was to wish(18) it on the table again, which the woodman did.
  What a waste of three wishes! The only thing the woodman had was a good supper of a black sausage.
  1. 自己整理的短语可以抄在这里:_______________________
  2. 你能背诵几个精彩的句子吗?抄下来,翻译一下:
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