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The Little Match Girl 卖火柴的小女孩(2)

时间:2010-08-07来源:少儿英语学习栏目:少儿英语作者:少儿英语 英语作文收藏:收藏本文
“Someone is now dying!” said the little girl, for her old granny, who was the only one that had been kind to her, but who was now dead, had said that when a star falls a soul goes up to God. “有人

“Someone is now dying!” said the little girl, for her old granny, who was the only one that had been kind to her, but who was now dead, had said that when a star falls a soul goes up to God.


Once more she struck a match on the wall. It lit up the darkness round about her, and in its radiance stood old granny, so bright and shining, so wonderfully kind.


“Granny!” cried the little girl. “Oh, take me with you! I know you’ll go away when the match goes out --- you’ll go away just like the warm stove and the lovely roast goose and the wonderful big Christmas tree!” --- And she struck all the rest of the matches in the bundle, for she wanted to keep her granny there. Granny had never before been so tall and beautiful; she lifted the little girl up on her arm, and they flew away, high, high up towards heaven. And there was no more cold and no more hunger and no more fear …


But in the corner by the house, in the cold of the early morning, the little girl sat, with red cheeks and a smile upon her lips --- dead frozen to death on the last evening of the old year. The morning of the New Year rose over the little dead body sitting there with her matches, one bundle nearly burnt out. She wanted to keep herself warm, they said; but no one knew what beautiful things she had seen, nor in wha t radiance she had gone with her old granny into the joy of the New Year.


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