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时间:2010-08-07来源:少儿英语学习栏目:少儿英语作者:少儿英语 英语作文收藏:收藏本文
四、A)1—5 E C A B D B)6—10 D A J B G 11—15 I E C F H 五、1.make, out of 2.Does, read newspapers, doesn't 3.is, to talk to/ with 4.At/On, flies, with me 5.plays, on, field 6.aren't, chatting 六、

四、A)1—5  E C A B D    B)6—10  D A J B G     11—15  I E C F H

五、1.make, out of     2.Does, read newspapers, doesn't     3.is, to talk to/ with

4.At/On, flies, with me     5.plays, on, field      6.aren't, chatting

六、1—5   C A C B B           6—10  C B B D A

七、A)1—5  D B C C C

B)6.They are all twelve years old    7.the same    8.each other

   9.Ben是个胖子,因为他不喜欢运动    10.I like sports and exercise every day.




一、1.Thursday     2.Dancing     3.favourite     4.wears     5.us     6.teeth

7.stars/begins      8.restaurant      9.cousins      10.candy

二、1.Whose      2.closed      3.don't celebrate     4.twice      5.areliuxuepaper.com
