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李煜 英文介绍

Li Yu-chia from the beginning of a word-heavy, bell, implicit, of Lianfeng Lay. Southern Tang Li Jing in the sixth son. Pengcheng (today Xuzhou, Jiangsu) people. Songjianlong 2002 (961), ascended the throne in Nanking, in power 15 years, the WHO said

Li Yu-chia from the beginning of a word-heavy, bell, implicit, of Lianfeng Lay. Southern Tang Li Jing in the sixth son. Pengcheng (today Xuzhou, Jiangsu) people. Songjianlong 2002 (961), ascended the throne in Nanking, in power 15 years, the WHO said Lee Houzhu. When he Siwei, Southern Tang has Zhengshuo Song Feng, Gouan in the Jiangnan corner. Song Kai-2007 (974), Chao Song Taizu repeated its followers to the north, are not speech. In October, Songbing attack south of Nanking. City broke November next year, a drop Houzhu Rutan, captured the Bianjing, the closure disobedience, Hou. Taizong enthronement, in Longxi Jungong into closure. Taiping rejuvenating three years (978) Tanabata is his 42-year-old birthday, according to Wang Song, "Moji" Song Taizong covered thanks for the lead poisoning death of medicines. Duibian king buried Mangshan Mountain Luoyang.
 He proficient in painting, calligraphy, come to know the temperament, in the poems, especially the word Five Dynasties 1974. Early word write more pleasure palace life style have not flexible; late words reflect the subjugation of pain, expanding theme, mood far-reaching and sincere feelings, language, fresh, very artistic appeal. He would later work with Li Jing compilation album "Southern Tang two main word."


When will there be no more moon and spring flowers


  For me who had so many memorable hours?


  My attic which last night in vernal wind did stand


  Reminds cruelly of the lost moonlit land.


  Carved balustrades and marble steps must still be there,



   But rosy faces cannot be as fair.


  If you ask me how much my sorrow has increased,


  Just see the overbrimming river flowing east!




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