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  • 我最喜欢的音乐的风格 日期:2007-12-15 05:07:05 来源:作文地带 好评:优秀英语作文

    Music Appreciation【音乐欣赏】 写自己喜欢的音乐人和她的歌,以及喜欢她的原因 What is your favorite kind of music? Do you like jazz, popular music, classical music, folk songs, blues, and so on? In high school I took one course called music appreciatio...

    英语作文 music 音乐风格

  • 贝多芬Beethoven简介 日期:2007-12-14 05:19:35 来源:作文地带 好评:优秀英语作文

    贝多芬Beethoven(LUDWIG VON BEETHOVERR,1770-1827)出生于德国波恩的一个音乐世家,在父亲逼迫下,4岁开始苦练钢琴和小提琴.1787年,贝多芬前往维也纳拜见莫扎特,莫扎特听了其演奏说这位少年即将震动世界.1795年首次在维也纳以作曲家及钢琴家身份登台.1798-1800年除教授钢...

    The And To in i Years music 简介

  • music音乐 日期:2007-11-28 08:15:20 来源:作文地带 好评:优秀英语作文

    music音乐 Many people like music. It has many sorts: soft music is graceful, rock music fast, classical music great, light music relaxing, and children, music interesting. You can pick and choose whatever you like. Now popular songs are in fashion. I...

    great And You like is music 音乐

  • movie music 电影与音乐 日期:2007-11-28 08:13:43 来源:作文地带 好评:优秀英语作文

    movie music 电影 音乐英语作文 Accustomed though we are to speaking of the films made before 1927 as silent, the film has never been, in the full sense of the word, silent. From the very beginning, music was regarded as an indispensable accompaniment...

    作文 电影 music 音乐 movie

  • Music Appreciation-音乐欣赏 日期:2007-11-28 08:11:40 来源:作文地带 好评:优秀英语作文

    Music Appreciation-音乐欣赏 What is your favorite kind of music? Do you like jazz, popular music, classical music, folk songs, blues, and so on? In high school I took one course called music appreciation which I greatly enjoyed. This was not to lear...

    英语作文 music 音乐
