样与艾滋病斗争How to guard against AIDS Aids has become one of the most terrifying desease in todays's world.It has been caculated that if we don't take measures soon enough,the hole human race will be under siege! To fight against Aids,we definitel...
以下美文佳句可能对您有用! 爱何以承受如此重负,要承受那么多的附加条件,伴随着金钱的附加,爱情又能够走多远?一种感情,在金钱的腐蚀下,能不能经的起考验。人们在金钱的迷乱之下,逐渐的忘记了真实的情感,钱在心中已经逐渐形成了主导地位,情感生活也不过是一个...
孝敬父母 to show filial piety and respect for one's parents www. 孝敬 1.to give presents (to one's elders or superiors) 2.to show filial piety and respect for one's parents - love for my parents 我与父母 关于孝敬父母的英语作文范文范文 【内容提示】...
本文为中文作文、或者评价,所以请您见谅!小学生学英语好处与坏处谈,我们这里让大家了解下相关专家的评论。 一、小学英语课程极大地加重了小学生负担 我们知道,英语和汉语不同,英语是一种拼音文字,也就是只要学会说的人,拼写起来十分容易,就好比中文,只要会说...
高考英语作文常用句型及短语与 高考易错词汇分析与测试(见第三页) 1 put ones heart into be interested in be fond of like chemistry best be good at ; be poor at ; do well in ; be weak in make progress in ; fail in be tired of pass the examination; give...
Hainan is in the south of China. It is China's largest special economic zone and youngest province. Since it was established ten years ago, the economic zone has experienced rapid development in many aspects. The comfortable residential quarters hav...
范文一:金钱与健康英语作文范文: Today when I read China Daily, there is one article clled my attention.Be your own doctor, eat and live healthy In this article, the author have mentioned that at present, the younger generation didn't have a healthy...
盗窃相关英语作文范文一: About the larcenous,I have something to say.First of all,I think the cause is the economy.Nowadays,the economy developed,and there are huge differences between the poor and the rich.many people work hard everyday,but he stil...
英语口试必要吗?(Is a test of spoken English necessary?) 1. 很多人认为有必要举行英语口语考试,理由是 2. 也有人持不同的意见, 3. 我的看法和打算 Opening sentence: A test of spoken English will be included as a component of College English Test. 内容来...
广东2010年高考优秀作文:与你为邻 共建和谐...