1. Budgeting 做预算 The first step to living responsibly is to budget your money. Although many people have negative feelings towards budgeting, because they feel it is constrictive or controlling, you should realize that budgeting allows you more freedom. B...
下面的十条技巧将会帮助你在整个学期都始终保持这种热情: 1. Get your books early One of the most hectictimes of each college school year is that crazy few days in the college bookstore before the semester starts. Who needs it. Get your books early. If your professors haven't poste...
1.Imanofficeworker.我是上班族。 2.Iworkforthegovernment.我在政府机关做事。 3.Imhappytomeetyou.很高兴见到你。 4.Ilikeyoursenseofhumor.我喜欢你的幽默感。 5.Imgladtoseeyouagain.很高兴再次见到你。 6.Illcallyou.我会打电话给你。 7.Ifeellikesleeping/takingawalk.我想睡/散步。 8.Iwantsome...
Of course, being happy at work depends mostly on how much you like your job. But there are also smaller steps that can boost your happiness, as well. Some of these steps are VERY small, but the fact that you're taking steps to improve your situation itsel...
美国电影学会6月21日评选出了“美国电影百佳台词”。入选的100条台词由1500名评委从400条候选台词中选出,它们囊括了电影史上最精妙的双关语、论证语和最机智的回答。电影《乱世佳人》中的对白“坦白说,亲爱的,我不在乎”名列榜首。 The level of instantaneous recognition inspired by Clark Gable...
When driving these days, do you look at the prices every time you pass a gas station? Do you notice yourself paying more attention to the prices of everything you buy? You are not alone. Consumers everywhere are more price aware. People who've been indiff...
精彩专题:起个好听的英文名 教育程度 education 学历 educational background 教育程度 educational history 学历 curriculum 课程 major 主修 minor 副修 educational highlights 课程重点部分 curriculum included 课程包括 specialized courses 专门课程 courses taken 所学课程 courses completed...
1. Add Weatherstripping Replace worn-out weatherstripping. Pay close attention to seals on doors that get a lot of use, such as those on the front of the house or between the house and attached garage. 2. Improve Windows If you're not ready to spring for ...
雪碧(饮料)Sprite小妖精,调皮鬼 乐百氏(饮料)Robust健壮的 金利来(领带)Goldlion金狮子 司麦脱(衬衫)Smart潇洒的 舒肤佳(香皂)Safeguard保护者 纳爱斯(香皂)Nice美好的 英克莱(自行车)Incline喜爱 四通(打字机)Stone石头 汰渍(洗衣粉)Tide潮流 雷达(电蚊香)Raid袭击,搜捕 飘柔(...
1. I see. 我明白了。 2. I quit! 我不干了! 3. Let go! 放手! 4. Me too. 我也是。 5. My god! 天哪! 6. No way! 不行! 7. Come on. 来吧(赶快) 8. Hold on. 等一等。 9. I agree。 我同意。 10. Not bad. 还不错。 11. Not yet. 还没。 12. See you. 再见。 13. Shut up! 闭嘴! 14. So long....
Your Passport(护照) Please! 请拿出你的护照英语幽默笑话带翻译 作文地带导读:周末又要到来了,作文地带为大...
Economic Development and inferior products 经济发展与假冒伪劣产品 我国社会主义市场经济就像一辆高速行驶的...
Should Women Return to the kitchen?女人是否应该呆在厨房里?英语作文带翻译.由作文地带提供.女人不应该回到厨...
最近你们学校要举行一次“中学生该不该上网”的讨论1.看国内外新闻,获取信息。 2.发e-mail,打电话。 3.上网络...