1.有用的词 上升:increase, rise ,ascend ,core, surge,go up, climb ,mount ,level up 下降: decrease, fall, drop ,descend ,decline ,reduce ,lessen ,level down 平稳:stable ,steady ,remain/maintain/keep/be the same as/similar to 波动:fluctuate ,fluctuation ,rise and falls ...
今天我去拿了成绩。听力8.5,阅读7.5,写作8,口语8。 我简单介绍一下我的经验吧。因为知道需要雅思成绩之后就直接去报名了,到考试前只有3个星期不到的准备时间。先说口语。我的口语应该说基础比较好,由于我本人也在国外,所以每天的练习机会也比较多。在这里我特别提一句,即使是最简单的问题也有...
雅思作文的题材相对固定在几个重要的社会热点话题,尽管考题库里有300道左右的题目,但题材相对集中。因此,对于大量换汤不换药的同类型题目,只要我们掌握了规律,就可以举一反三,融会贯通,以一挡十。 请看下题: V119 Universities should accept equal numbers of male and female students for...
You should spend about 40 minutes on this task. Present a written argument or case to an educated non-specialist audience on the following topic. A governments role is only to provide defense capability and urban infrastructure (roads, water supplies, etc...
You should spend about 40 minutes on this task. Present a written argument or case to an educated non-specialist audience on the following topic. The private motor vehicle has greatly improved individual freedom of movement. Moreover, the automobile has b...
难忘的事件(An Unforgettable Incident)...
梵高的名画(Starry Night)...
论自我克制(On Self-control)...
已经不知道有多久了,我就这么静静地坐着,目光望着远处的被风吹动的绿叶,呆呆的,泪就这么流了下来。。。 泪光中我似乎又看见了那个小小的你,那个倔强的你,那个可爱的你。你和我认识是我这辈子最快乐的事。还记得那天的阳光格外的好,你穿着浅绿色的裙子...
Love and Learning Towards love and learning, college teachers and students hold controversial views . The...
广东2010年高考优秀作文:与你为邻 共建和谐...