讲述清朝后宫(the imperial harem)明争暗斗的电视剧《甄嬛传》在荧屏上大获成功,"甄嬛效应"无处不在,"甄嬛体"、"华妃体"火爆网络,有人甚至将其视为职场新人指南。《甄嬛传》成功背后究竟有着什么秘密?
"i pity the empress. poor empress."
"do you think zhen huan really loves the emperor?"
from campuses to offices, from shopping malls to the streets, talk about legend of zhen huan is everywhere.
unlike other long tv series, legend of zhen huan, the 76-episode qing dynasty drama series, has kept attracting new audiences along the way. it has enjoyed widespread popularity on the chinese mainland over the past months.
