名女人:queen elizabeth ii英女王伊丽莎白二世
伊丽莎白二世女王(queen elizabeth ii,1926-),原名伊丽莎白·亚历山德拉·玛丽·温莎(elizabeth alexandra mary windsor)。登基于1952年2月6日(加冕于1953年6月2日)。2012年6月2日至5日,英国举办英女王钻禧庆典,纪念女王登基60周年。2012年12月18日,参加内阁会议,她成为百年来和平时期出席政府内阁会议的第一位英国君主。
elizabeth ii (born 1926) became queen of great britain and ireland upon the death of her father, george vi, in 1952. she was a popular queen who was also respected for her knowledge of and participation in state affairs.
the prime ministers who served under her were impressed by her knowledge of state affairs…gained by conscientious reading of state papers contained in the red boxes, dispatch cases which followed her everywhere. her popularity at home and abroad was indisputable.
