in the battle of ankara in 1402, timur, a descendant of genghis khan, defeated bajazid, sultan of the ottoman empire, and took him prisoner. he gave bajazid a very civil reception at first, and asked,"now, tell me truly what you would have done with me, had i fallen into your power?"
bajazid is said to have replied,"i would have enclosed you in an iron cage, and carried you about as a spectacle of derision to the world."
timur said,"then, proud man, as you would have done to me, even so shall i do to you." an iron cage was made, into which bajazid was thrust, and he was carried along in timur's train like a wild beast for nearly three years until, despairing of obtaining his freedom, he struck his head with such violence against the bars of the cage, as to put an end to his wretched life.
